Motorhome and Campervan Hire in the UK with Motorhome City

Motorhome City is a motorhome hire booking agency for private motorhome and campervan owners who wish to make a little extra money by making their motorhome or campervan available for hire throughout the UK.

We demand a list of statutory requirements to owners, including the following:

1. Legal: The vehicle must be road legal (Current MOT, Road Tax, legal depth tyres, etc.).

2. Safety: The vehicle must comply with current safety requirements (fitting of a carbon monoxide alarm, provision of a fire extinguisher and a have a current (annual) gas safety certificate).

3. Professional: Vehicle to be in a spotless condition inside and outside, with all equipment to be in a satisfactory and working condition.

We have had to cancel Owners Vehicles from being advertised on our website for motorhome hire in the UK, if they fail any of the above. Mostly, we have never had a problem with either Legal or Safety issues (any problems in this respect and they would be disbarred immediately and we would not take hires for their vehicles).

When we are notified that a vehicle was in an untidy condition or that there was any contamination on board, we discuss this at length with Owners. We have found that this approach is appropriate as in 99% of instances, the problems are quickly remedied.

As a last resort (normally after 2 similar complaints), we will not take any motorhome hire bookings for that owner.

We have only resorted to this measure on a small number of owners as most discussions highlight areas that they were not aware of (e.g. spilt sugar at the back of cupboards, outdoor equipment such as chairs and tables having dirt on the bottom of table legs, and complaints of this nature).

We impose high standards on our Owners, as we wish to be the best motorhome hire and campervan hire booking agency in the UK.

We have a high satisfaction rating with our previous customers.

We have regularly been appraised on fully independent “satisfaction monitoring” websites like Trust Pilot, but the odd very bad review by a customer can severely effect overall ratings (especially when posted twice).

Motorhome City will continue to strive to maintain that every motorhome and campervan for hire in the UK adheres to our stringent requirements, to allow you, the customer, to have a great motorhome holiday or campervan vacation, in the UK.

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